Hollow Earth & UFO's


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The SUN Doesn’t Set For FOUR MONTHS in Norway, Alaska, Greenland and Canada (Flat Earth Lie)


Inside the place in Europe where the sun doesn’t set for FOUR MONTHS… with incredible drone footage showing sunlight at every hour of the night

  • Norway experiences a natural phenomenon that's known as the 'midnight sun'
  • One traveller's video of 24-hour sunlight in the Lofoten Islands has gone viral




The Earth is MOVING more than 3,000 miles beneath our feet: Inner core 'oscillates' over a mile every six years, study claims

  • Core was previously thought to be rotating consistently faster than surface
  • But new study shows it oscillates back and forth over a mile every six years
  • The cycle could explain known variations in the length of days

When Jules Verne wrote 'A Journey to the Centre of the Earth' over 150 years ago, he imagined a land of glowing crystals, turbulent seas, prehistoric animals and giant mushrooms.

But what actually lies beneath our feet remains a mystery – even today we know more about the rings of Saturn than the interior of our planet.

Over the past 30 years, however, our understanding of the Earth's inner core has expanded dramatically, and it has been shown to move and change over decades.




Water swirls in opposite directions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres – WHY?


Poll: Most prefer Obama to deal with ... alien invasion
USA TODAY - Jun 27, 2012 -- According to a new survey by the National Geographic Channel, 65% of Americans think President Obama is better suited than Mitt Romney to handle .... an alien invasion of the Earth... Make no mistake, respondents to this "extraterrestrial poll" believe an alien invasion to be quite likely.
National Geographic says "more than 80 million Americans are certain that UFOs exist. In fact, many believe in tangible proof that aliens have landed on Earth and think that government officials are involved in covering up paranormal activities."

More Americans Believe Aliens Have Visited Earth Than Believe That Jesus Is The Son Of God
June 28, 2012 - According to a National Geographic survey, 77 percent of all Americans “believe there are signs that aliens have visited Earth”, and according to a recent Harris poll only 68 percent of all Americans believe that Jesus is God or the Son of God.

Francis also said that aliens will be baptized when they arrive
May 16, 2014 - Vatican City, Rome – Pope Francis said that people cannot be Christians without the Church, explaining that Christian identity is rooted in it and that believers cannot stand alone.
Our Christian identity is belonging to a people: the Church. Without this, we are not Christians. We entered the Church through baptism: there we are Christians,” Francis said during Mass on Thursday, Vatican Radio reported…During Mass on Monday, Francis also theorized about alien life forms, and suggested that even Martians should be welcomed to be baptized as well.



               Note: The Hollow Earth trip never took place, too many road blocks with permits etc...

Underwater Alien Bases? Rep Tim Burchett affirms to Matt Gaetz that he believes alien bases exist deep in the ocean




The Signs of the Last Days: A Scriptural Guide to the Future


                 Atoms are hollow with a central nuclear radiation generator that creates the magnetic field and induces the gravitational ether flow

                                                              Our Earth is Hollow with Polar Openings and a Central Sun Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Blog http://www.ourhollowearth.com/ExpeditionUpdate.htm

UFO Flying Disk BMW Spaceship @ 1984 Los Angeles Olympics... SEE video CLICK link BELOW: 
                                                Fallen Angels Return: Hollywood and Government Have Set the Stage 15 min. Video: I have believed for years that so called "frog aliens" and subsequent invasion or contact by them, would be a great cover for Satan and his serpent minions. Be not fooled, those from "another planet" are serpent (hafe frog serpent and hafe human... like ET) are demons...For God said "I made Man in My Own Image." Anything that does not look like God is open season!
It'd be easier for them to install a new world order under one government if earth had a common enemy.
Pope says baptism for all - even Martians
May 13, 2014 - Vatican City: Pope Francis has declared everyone has the right to be baptised, even aliens should they come knocking on the church's door.
Christians cannot "close the door" to all those who seek baptism even if they are "green men, with a long nose and big ears, like children draw," the pope said at his daily mass on Monday, according to Vatican Radio. "If tomorrow, for example, an expedition of Martians arrives and some of them come to us ... and if one of them says: 'Me, I want to be baptised!', what would happen?" Francis said
  "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."  (1 Peter 5:8) 

Photographer captures stunning photo of the International Space Station as it passes across the lunar surface  March 1st 2012

(Note, Just a thought, The 10 Tribes could be at war inside the Hollow Earth that may explain the noises etc…?)

Bay Area Residents Report Mysterious Flashes In The Sky During Napa Quake
CBS SF Bay Area August 27, 2014 - (KPIX 5) – Several people called the KPIX 5 newsroom after Sunday morning’s magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Napa, reporting mysterious flashes of light in the sky. Witnesses said the strange phenomenon looked like lightning.
Similar flashes of light have been reported in earthquakes around the world, from Japan to Peru…the phenomenon “earthquake lights,” the quick buildup of stress that causes an electric current to flow to the surface and burst through the earth. This typically happens before or during an earthquake…“There are things that we still don’t understand about the earth, so why not accept unusual, exceptionally unusual phenomena taking place? And the light outburst from the ground is one of them.”

First space hurricane is confirmed over the North Pole following observations of a 621-mile swirling mass of plasma that rained electrons in Earth's upper atmosphere

  • Scientists confirmed space hurricanes for the first time in Earth's atmosphere
  • The event was observed hundreds of miles above the North Pole
  • It was determined an analysis of  a 621-mile wide swirling mass of plasma
  • Researchers say it rained electrons and had characteristics of other hurricanes 


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"I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery!"